Behind the Code: Protecting Your Web Application's Secrets

Man seated, looking at computer monitor while working from home.

October 10, 2023

  • Application Security
  • Secrets Management
  • Best practices

Ever found an API key just lying around on a public repository? In the world of web development, that's akin to leaving your house key under the doormat. 

As we dive deep into the creation of the next world-changing web or mobile application, it's crucial to remember that managing our secrets appropriately is of utmost importance.

Why Secrets Matter

Secrets aren't just hidden strings; they guard your application's integrity and reputation. A mishandled secret can lead to breaches, eroding user trust and potentially causing significant financial repercussions.  

Key Secrets to Manage

Authentication and Authorization Secrets

  • User Passwords: Keys to user accounts to safeguard sensitive data.

  • Authorization Tokens: Tokens that grant or deny access to app resources.

Integration with External Services:

  • Payment Platform API Keys: These keys ensure secure transactions.

  • Public API Keys: Used for interaction with external services.

  • Credentials for External Services: Think of these as handshakes between your app and external platforms, ensuring smooth data exchanges.

Communication Security:

  • SSL/TLS Certificates: These certificates are critical for encrypting and safeguarding data in transit.

  • Signing Keys and Certificates: They're the stamp of authenticity, ensuring communications are genuine.

When Secrets Aren't So Secret

Heard of those massive data breaches? Many were the result of secrets carelessly exposed. Oversights such as the OpenSea breach can cost millions.

Best Practices for Web Application's Secrets Management

  • No More Hardcoding:

    Embedding secrets in code? That's old school and risky. Use environment variables or specialized app security tools.

  • Encryption is Your Friend:

    Always encrypt your secrets. Encryption is a game-changer when it comes to sharing or storing sensitive data.

  • Access? Not for Everyone:

    Be selective. Only the necessary personnel should have access to your app's secrets. Use the least privilege principle.

  • Secret Rotation:

    Regularly changing secrets minimizes the risk of them being compromised. Implement a routine to rotate secrets, ensuring old ones are invalidated and replaced.

  • Lifecycle management: It's not just about creating and using secrets, but also about retiring them safely. Ensure that when secrets are no longer needed, they're destroyed properly to prevent any potential misuse.


Managing secrets goes beyond merely storing them. It's about orchestrating their entire lifecycle, from creation to destruction, ensuring they're accessed, used, and retired securely. With every piece of code we deploy, the primary goal remains clear: safeguard these critical details to uphold data integrity and maintain user trust.