How to Create a Totally Secure Application?

September 12, 2023

  • Best practices
  • Cybersecurity threats
  • Application Security

Regardless of your industry, your digital assets and user data are constantly under threat by various forms of cyberattacks. These malicious activities can originate from organized cyber criminals or unintentional mistakes made by employees.

To prevent security incidents, you can progressively implement different security measures. From internal to external security, there are some steps you can take to fortify your defenses against potential threats.

Current Threats

In today's world, the number of vulnerable applications is steadily increasing. Attackers are getting more creative to bypass many software and hardware protections. Can you imagine that 48% of organizations have reported a rise in cyberattacks in 2023 compared to the last year?

As your application grows, it becomes an attractive target for malicious actors. Sensitive data such as customer personal information, financial records, and proprietary business data are incredibly enticing to attackers.

Failing to prioritize security policies can have serious consequences, including financial losses, loss of customer trust, and damage to your organization's reputation. So, how can you avoid these situations and secure your app completely?

Pursuit of Total Security: Reality or Mythology

The pursuit of absolute security is a common aspiration. Organizations often seek a silver bullet, a one-size-fits-all solution to eliminate all risks and vulnerabilities. However, it's crucial to approach this pursuit with a clear understanding of the reality of cybersecurity.

The only way to achieve 100% security is the following: 

  • Disconnect your computer and smartphone from wireless and physical networks. 

  • Avoid connecting any external device, such as a disk or a flash memory. 

  • Turn off all your digital devices to be inaccessible to anyone. 

While this might theoretically eliminate risks, it's impractical for most organizations. Users rely on connectivity. The Internet is a fundamental part of modern business operations.

However, the Internet is insecure by nature. You don't know the intention of every user connected globally. Thus, we should adopt a holistic approach covering internal and external security. 

The following section will provide an overview of these critical dimensions of security. 

Internal Security

Internal security measures that safeguard your organization from potential threats originating from within include: 

Effective Account Management

  • Ensure secure and efficient management of user accounts within your organization.

  • Implement strong password policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and regular password updates.

  • Monitor and audit user account activities to detect and respond to suspicious behavior promptly.

Access Control and Permissions

  • Define and enforce access control policies to protect sensitive data.

  • Assign permissions based on the principle of least privilege, granting access only to what is necessary for each role.

  • Regularly review and update permissions to align with organizational changes.

Data Protection

  • Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest.

  • Establish data loss prevention (DLP) measures to prevent unauthorized data leakage.

  • Develop and enforce data handling policies, including secure data disposal procedures.

External Security

When it comes to external security, the focus shifts to shielding your organization from threats that emanate from outside sources. It involves deploying essential tools such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems to fortify network defenses. 

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection

  • Deploy firewalls to filter incoming and outgoing network traffic.

  • Implement intrusion detection systems (IDS) to identify and respond to potential threats.

  • Regularly update firewall rules and IDS signatures to stay ahead of evolving threats.

Monitoring and Incident Response

  • Continuously monitor network traffic and system logs for unusual activities.

  • Develop an incident response plan that outlines procedures for addressing security incidents.

  • Conduct regular drills and tabletop exercises to ensure the effectiveness of your incident response strategy.

External Access Control

  • Secure remote access through virtual private networks (VPNs) and secure sockets layer (SSL) protocols.

  • Utilize access controls and authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of external users.

  • Implement web application firewalls (WAFs) to protect web-facing applications from common attacks.


Creating a completely secure web application is a complex challenge. The reality is that 100% security is just an illusion. To achieve the highest level of protection, you should implement a security-centric culture within your organization, considering internal and external security.

Internal measures such as effective account management, granular access controls, and continuous monitoring are pivotal. On the other hand, external measures include adhering to regulatory compliance, regular security audits, and staying up-to-date with the evolving threat landscape.